Auto Body Services
Non-compliance with state and federal regulations regarding the disposal of waste paint and containers could expose your business to costly fines and embarrassing media exposure. The CES Paint Container Management Program provides guaranteed compliance and assurance, protecting your business and our communities.

The CES Solvent System provides reliable and effective tools to dispense your cleaning solvents. The system consists of two funnels and two pumps combined with two 55G or 30G drums.

Corrick Enviro Services provides licensed, insured, and fully compliant hazardous waste services to auto collision and body shops at competitive costs. Our basic services include:
- Manifest and Labeling
- Transportation
- Recycling

Poorly maintained paint booths create potentially hazardous conditions for your employees and facility while reducing the quality of your paint service. Corrick Enviro's Paint Booth Maintenance will improve the state of your facility, the quality of your paint jobs, and your business.

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